The Full-time Wife Escapist

"The Full-time Wife Escapist" is a romantic comedy drama based on a Japanese manga by Tsunami Umino. The original manga was serialized in Kodansha's manga magazine Kiss from the 22nd issue of 2012 to the February 2017 issue. After that, due to the popularity of the drama, the serialization was resumed from the March 2019 issue to the April 2020 issue. There are 11 volumes and 54 episodes. The drama was written by Akiko Nogi and aired on TBS TV Tuesday drama from October 11th to December 20th, 2016. The main actors are Yui Aragaki, Gen Hoshino, Ryohei Otani, Arata Furuta, and Yuriko Ishida. There are 11 episodes in total.
It's a story of a slightly unusual romance that begins with Mikuri Moriyama, played by Yui Aragaki, and Taira Tsuzaki, played by Gen Hoshino, as on employment marriage, and a contract marriage between an employer and an employee.
When I watched this drama, I was very impressed with the pure appearance of the main characters. I think it's a romantic comedy drama like never before. Also, I think it's a drama that changes the way we think about marriage and romance when we see two pepole building their own relationships without being bound by common knowledge. It has become a drama that has been loved for many years since its broadcast.
